Olofina Smith
Colours and flowers
inspire me...
“I have always loved drawing and painting and I prefer to paint flowers – any flowers! My paintings come from the heart and my style is expressive, never precise or rigid. I try to capture on canvas that feeling that I get when I see something real, something beautiful. My paintings depict beauty, colour, movement and authenticity. I think these things are best sought and found in nature. “
“Ek was nog altyd lief vir teken en vir verf. Ek verkies om blomme te verf – enige blomme! My skilderye kom uit die hart en my styl is ekspressief en vloeiend – nooit presies of rigied nie. Ek dink mens kan in die natuur die beste inspirasie kry – ek kry daaruit kleur, skoonheid, beweging en egtheid en ek probeer dit in my skilderye weergee.”
Welcome to Fientjie Se Werke | Art
Olfien decided to take up painting again in 2018, at the age of 80 and after not painting at all during the previous 20 years. She did this with limited eyesight, having fallen victim to severe macular degeneration. Sadly after a short illness Olfien passed away on 10 April 2020.
Original paintings done in 2018 and 2019

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